From Pain to Power

The Importance of Choosing Your Healing Journey


Embarking on a healing journey is like choosing a path that transcends the confines of time. It's a personal and transformative decision, a journey that becomes a catalyst for positive changes in our lives. In this blog post, we'll navigate the profound importance of actively choosing this transformative path of healing. As we explore its power, we'll also uncover the consequences that unfold when the need to heal is ignored, inviting you to reflect on the significance of this pivotal choice.

The Power of Healing:

From my own experience, let me tell you, healing is this amazing journey that totally transforms everything in your life. Here’s a personal reflection of my healing journey and why I feel healing holds so much transformative power:

  1. Healing is the liberator of deep-rooted emotions, empowering us to confront and process. This journey guides us to release pent-up feelings, leading to a profound sense of inner peace.

  2. Healing takes us on a path to self-discovery and awareness. It often involves self-reflection which opens a door to helping us understand our values, desires, and purpose.

  3. Healing empowers us by showing our inner strength as we overcome obstacles while we navigate challenges that exhibit our resilience.

  4. Healing has positive impacts on our mental health by alleviating symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. As we develop a healthier mindset, we also find emotional stability.

  5. Healing our from past wounds contributes to healthier relationships whether that be a romantic relationship, friendship, professional, or even the relationship with ourselves. It allows us to connect with others from a place of authenticity and emotional well-being.

  6. Healing our minds can also positively affect our physical health. There is a mind-body connection so practicing mindfulness and participating in stress reduction activities will often contribute to overall wellness.

  7. Healing allows us to practice self-compassion and self-love. We often find that we can offer compassion towards others, but it can be a challenge to show ourselves the same compassion and love as we give others.

  8. Healing allows us to break free from negative patterns and cycles. It provides an opportunity for conscious choice and allows us to steer away from behaviors that no longer serve us.

  9. Healing can be a spiritual journey that leads to a deeper connection of our higher self and leads us to living our life with a sense of purpose.

  10. Healing allows us to embrace our authenticity and owning our truth. We can live our lives that align with our true selves, expressing our thoughts, feelings, and desires openly. By doing this, it also allows us to be a light for others in the darkness. I received a random text message just yesterday from someone I have not seen or talked to in a several years. She follows me on TikTok where I have shared different parts of my healing journey. She thanked me for sharing my story and healing journey. She expressed gratitude as she felt the message I was spreading helped whatever she was going through yesterday. I feel more alive and myself than I ever have. I really want that for you too!

The healing journey is one of the bravest and rewarding things you can do for yourself and for the people you love.

Consequences of Ignoring the Need to Heal:

Just as I shared my personal reflection with the transformative power to heal, I also did a personal reflection of the consequences I’ve personally experienced throughout my life when I ignored the need to do the healing work.

Here’s my personal reflection of my life prior to my healing journey and why I am now an advocate, mentor, role model, and coach for trauma survivors and chronic pain warriors.

  1. Persistent Emotional Pain: Now, I get it- how the unaddressed emotional wounds may fester, leading to persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, anger, shame, or other negative emotions. I am a person who often holds emotions deep within until it builds up so much that I pretty much explode.

  2. Strained Relationships: Many of us have the emotional baggage of unhealed wounds that can strain our relationships with our family, friends, or romantic partners simply because the unhealed wounds can affect our communication and connection with others. I know I am not alone in this. Have you ever felt the emotional baggage of unhealed wounds? How does this affect your relationships?

  3. Negative Impact on Mental Health: Skipping out on healing? Yeah, it can make mental health challenges like depression or anxiety worse. I vividly remember November 1, 2018, when I ended up in the emergency department, convinced it was a heart attack. Guess what? Just a panic attack that knocked me out for a whole week.

  4. Cycle of Destructive Patterns: Throughout my life I found myself participating in destructive behaviors such as using drugs, smoking, and drinking as a teenager. As I grew older, the destructive behaviors changed to emotional eating and retail therapy. I was spending money I didn’t have and racking up a lot of debt.

  5. Physical Health: Chronic stress resulting from emotional distress can have physical consequences such as impacting our immune system, sleep patterns, chronic pain, and overall well-being. I don’t know how many years I suffered from insomnia.

  6. Limiting Personal Growth: Avoiding the healing process hindered my personal growth and development. It prevented me from seeing the bigger picture and my capability to live a life fulfilled with purpose.

  7. Self-Estrangement: Ignoring the need for healing lead me to disconnect from myself. I was unable to confront my true thoughts, feelings, and desires.

  8. Missed opportunities for Connection: Avoiding healing resulted in many missed opportunities for deep and meaningful connections with others. It created barriers because I wasn’t able to take off the masks I wore everyday.

  9. Limitation of Life Satisfaction: Ignoring the need for healing lead me to a sense of dissatisfaction with life. My unaddressed issues influenced my perceptions and experiences. I was living my life based on fear.

  10. Impact on Future Decision-Making: I have found that unhealed wounds can influence our decision-making processes or lack thereof. This lead me to make choices based on past trauma rather than current circumstances. It prevented me to make decisions at the present moment.


In conclusion, the transformative power of healing extends far beyond the surface of our lives. It's a journey that encompasses emotional liberation, self-discovery, and resilience. As we navigate the challenges, both internal and external, healing becomes a compass guiding us towards authenticity and purpose. It's essential to recognize that everyone's journey is unique, and the consequences of ignoring the need for healing can manifest differently for each individual. Seeking support and addressing the root causes of emotional pain is crucial for overall well-being and personal growth. My hope is that, in sharing my own reflections, you find resonance and inspiration for your unique journey of healing.


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