Resilience in action

Turning Setbacks into Comebacks


The Transformative Power: Setbacks as Opportunities

I’m sure we’ve all heard the saying “sometimes a setback is just a setup for a comeback” or at least a version of that which was attributed to American motivational speaker and author, Steve Maraboli. What does this mean? To me, it means that every challenge and every setback gives us an opportunity to grow, change, and evolve. But how do we transform setbacks into powerful comebacks? Let’s explore the transformative journey together.

Overcoming Adversity: Navigating Injury, Illness, and Loss

If you are reading this you have probably had at least one setback or challenge in your life. You might be like me and the first 40 years of your life might have been full of setbacks. Maybe you’ve suffered an injury or illness or you’ve suffered a great loss. No matter what your story is, you have the opportunity to turn that setback or struggle into a comeback or strength.

I’m going to start off by emphasizing that transforming setbacks into comebacks is a choice—one that might not be easy, with potential roadblocks along the way. This power of choice is evident in the stories of individuals I've encountered, each facing unique challenges. From those fighting cancer, who later became advocates for the local Cancer Resource Center, to a mom turning the tragedy of losing her son to drugs into a commitment to volunteering at a treatment center. There's also the inspiring journey of a woman who, despite experiencing childhood abuse and enduring physical and sexual assault, bravely shares her PTSD story to bring awareness and offer strength and hope to others with similar experiences. Speaking of challenges, let me share my personal osteoporosis story.

Osteoporosis Revelation: A Life-Altering Diagnosis

It was June 2022, right before my 44th birthday and I was still recovering from hip surgery when I was diagnosed with osteoporosis. My doctor referred me to an endocrinologist because she felt I needed more specialized care due to my age. It took a few months to get my first appointment with the endocrinologist just to hear her say “you need to take major action now or your quality of life will decrease rapidly.”

I remember thinking “WOW, now this. This is my life. I’m doomed.” I even remember feeling sorry for myself and telling my boss that I was about ready to give up on life and just lay on the couch and eat bon bons all day.

Prescription for Strength & Overcoming Judgement and Guilt

I followed my doctors recommendation, I enrolled in the Better Bones & Balance exercise class—a vital step in managing my osteoporosis and preventing further deterioration. With a cautionary note that I'd likely be two decades younger than my fellow participants, I embarked on this journey in November 2022.

Seeking moral support, I invited my best friend, but our entrance was met with judgmental stares. Overwhelmed by a sense of not fitting in, I confided in my therapist about feeling guilty for occupying a spot intended for an older individual. It was then that my therapist reassured me: my diagnosis affirmed my place in the class, and I deserved to be there as much as anyone else.

Sharing the Journey: Breaking Osteoporosis Stereotypes

Eventually, some of the ladies started asking why I was attending that class. When I explained to them that I had osteoporosis they were shocked. Afterall, most of the people in class doesn’t have osteoporosis. They either have osteopenia or osteoarthritis they are determined to keep under control.

They started asking how I developed osteoporosis at such a young age and I told them I had to have a hysterectomy when I was 23-years-old. The question of “did you have cancer?” surfaced and I shared my story how I was physical assaulted which developed a lot of scar tissue in my pelvis. I was in so much pain that my quality of life was affected which ultimately resulted in the hysterectomy.

Becoming an Instructor: From Nervousness to Embracing the Coaching Role

About 6 months of attending Better Bones & Balance class 5 days a week, one of the instructors asked me if I would be interested in becoming a Better Bones & Balance instructor. I was hesitant at first. I get nervous speaking in front of people. I trip on my own words, and I’ve never taught a class before in my life; however, I already had it on my heart that I am a coach and my purpose in life is to help and serve others so I said Yes!

Why not learn everything I can about the challenges that accompany the diagnosis of osteoporosis? Why not get paid for something my doctor prescribed me?

If we look at our setbacks as stepping stones, the transformation lies the potential for remarkable comebacks and extraordinary triumphs.

After completing my certification, I stepped into the role of leading the Better Bones & Balance classes. The gratitude from participants was profound, as my understanding of their challenges and empathetic approach resonated with them. What makes this journey even more rewarding is the tangible improvement in my own health – a year later, my dexa scan revealed a remarkable 10% increase in bone density in my lumbar spine and a 6% increase in my hips.

Teaching Resilience: The Journey Comes Full Circle

This initial setback of an osteoporosis diagnosis has evolved into a transformative opportunity for personal growth and leadership. Observing the strength of this community has been heartwarming, from the camaraderie during social times to moments of support, like when a classmate struggled with a balance exercise. The collective encouragement, applause, and cheers during her efforts filled me with immense joy, reinforcing the positive impact of our shared experience.

Now, as I extend support to the newest member of our class, a 49-year-old recently diagnosed with osteoporosis, the cycle of encouragement continues and fills my heart with gratitude and reinforces the profound impact of this journey. I am truly blessed to be part of this community, offering support, hope, and shared moments of triumph.


In every setback or challenge, opportunities abound, awaiting discovery. All it takes is an open heart and mind to recognize them. Embracing these chances in the aftermath of setbacks cultivates resilience.

Consider the setbacks in your own journey—what remarkable comebacks could they pave the way for? The power to transform is within, waiting to be unleashed.


Healing from Within


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