Elevate your energy

A Guide to Recognizing and Safeguarding Against Toxicity

In the intricate dance of life, our energy is a precious currency that shapes our experiences and relationships. Yet, the world often exposes us to toxic energies that can drain our vitality. In this blog post, we'll explore the nuances of toxic energy and unveil five empowering steps to protect and elevate your inner light. But first, I want to make make it clear that just because someone carries toxic energy doesn’t make them a bad person. It simply means they hold unhealed and unprocessed feelings.

Here are some nuances to be mindful of:
- Negative relationships that involves constant criticism, manipulation, or lack of support. This could be in a romantic relationship, friendship, or professional connections.

- Draining environments such as workplace with a toxic culture or spaces the evoke unpleasant memories. Being aware of your environment is key to protecting your energy.

- Self-sabotaging thoughts such as persistent self-doubt, harsh self-criticism, and a negative mindset can create an internal environment that hinders personal growth and well-being.

- Unresolved trauma can linger and contribute to a toxic energy presence. Unaddressed emotional wounds may resurface, affecting your current experiences and relationships. I didn’t realize how my unresolved trauma was affecting the people I love. I often projected my own struggles and self-esteem onto them. Healing from trauma is a crucial step in protecting your energy.

- Excessive stress or chronic stress can create a toxic energy cycle. This can come from work, external pressures, or personal challenges. Prolonged stress negatively impacts our mental and physical well-being.

- Lack of boundaries can invite toxic energy into our lives. Whether it is overcommitting, people-pleasing, or tolerating disrespectful behavior, a lack of boundaries make it challenging to protect our energy.

- Comparison and envy can contribute to a toxic mindset. Constantly comparing yourself to others or feeling envious can erode your self-esteem and generate negative energy that affects your overall well-being. As a trauma survivor who is a recovering from playing the comparison game, I often felt not good enough, unworthy, and defeated because I was not as successful as other people my age. Once I started my healing journey, I recognized that it is not fair to me to compare my life to others. Many of my friends have not experienced the childhood I experienced. They did not have multiple big traumas in their lives and many of them had a somewhat “normal” childhood where they were free to be kids. They were able to develop emotional intelligence while I was stuck in survival mode.

- Engaging in activities that don’t align with your values or bring you joy can zap your energy.

- Technology overload like excessive exposure to negative news, social media, or other digital content can contribute to a toxic mindset. Being mindful of your digital consumption and taking breaks can help protect your mental and emotional energy.

It is not our responsibility to focus our attention on other people’s toxic behavior. By doing so will distract us on our journey. We cannot control other people’s behaviors, but we can control how we respond.

Here are 5 Empowering Steps to Elevate and Protect your Energy:

  1. Recognizing Toxic Energy: To protect your energy, it's crucial to identify the sources of toxicity in your life. This is the first step toward transformation

  2. Cultivating Boundaries: Establishing clear and healthy boundaries is an act of self-love. Learn to say no to what doesn't serve your well-being. Boundaries act as a shield, preserving your energy and preventing the infiltration of negativity.

  3. Mindful Energy Audit: Regularly assess where your energy is flowing. Is it invested in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, or is it leaking into situations that leave you depleted? I recently completed a mindful energy audit and it was eye opening to me what I uncovered in the process. I’m realizing my energy flows effortlessly the more I am of service to others such as sharing my story, being a light for others, being a mentor and coach, or being a Better Bones and Balance instructor. When I am stuck at my desk for hours on end feeling like a robot or if I am surrounded by the stress of the office, my energy gets depleted rather quickly. A mindful energy audit helps you redirect your focus towards what truly matters.

  4. Surrounding Yourself with Positivity: Consciously choose to be in the company of those who uplift and inspire you. Positive relationships nourish your spirit and contribute to a more nurturing environment. Foster connections that align with your personal growth journey.

  5. Self-Care Rituals: Prioritize self-care as a non-negotiable aspect of your routine. Engage in activities that recharge your energy, whether it's meditation, nature walks (perfect for a hiking enthusiast like me!), dancing, shake the unwanted energy out of your body (yes, this is a thing) or any other creative pursuits. Taking care of yourself is an investment in maintaining a resilient and positive energy field.

Guarding your energy is an ongoing practice that empowers you to navigate life's twists and turns with grace. By recognizing toxic energy, setting boundaries, conducting mindful energy audits, curating positive relationships, and prioritizing self-care, you create a sanctuary for your well-being. Remember, your energy is a precious resource—choose to invest it wisely.

This journey towards protecting your energy is a profound act of self-love, fostering a space where your inner light can shine, undiminished by external negativity.


Unveiling the light


Consequences of Unprocessed Trauma